Albany Port Fire System Upgrade for Southern Ports Authority
Project Details: Upgrade internal fire system to International Standards.
Consultant: GHD
CONTRACT PRICE: $736,387.41
Project Description:
WAPS tendered on and won the Contract to supply
and install a new 400mm PE fire system, fire pump and tank compound for the Albany Port Authority.
Scope of Work:
The works required us to install the new fire system throughout the working Port, along with the installation of a fire pump compound including, dual Storage tanks, diesel pump set and fire shed, quad attack hydrants and internal hose reels.
We were required to provide Construction Schedules, Quality Control Plans, Work Method Statements and OH&S Management Plans prior to commencing works onsite.
All employees and sub-contractors were required to undergo on-site inductions conducted by WAPS. All transport, logistics, flights, accommodation and meals were supplied by WAPS as part of the execution of this Contract. This was a fly in / fly out project.