Client- BASF
Contract Price- $295,000.00
Contract Description
BASF Kwinana contracted WA Plumbing Solutions to install a new fire hydrant system around and thru their existing chemical manufacturing plant. This was a complex installation due to the explosive nature of chemicals that were manufactured onsite. BASF Kwinana operates 24 hours a day and seven days a week our team were required to undergo training in relation with having to deal with the chemicals, we were required to perform drug and alcohol checks and we had to adhere to BASF’s stringent safety planed. The system that we installed was a combined in ground blue brute and above ground galvanised rolled grooved hydrant system. This included 510metres of 150mm blue brute pipe work, 290 metres of schedule 40l suspended 150mm gal piping, with hydrants and hose reels and window drenchers. We were required to provide for all service location and make good to road ways and garden areas. As per our contract we were required to test and commission the hydrant system prior to FESA conducting their flow test to enable the system to become live.