Macaulay Park, Sewer upgrade
Client: City of Stirling
Project Details: Connection of Inglewood United’s administration buildings and grand stand to deep sewer.
Consultant: Mclean and Laurence
Contract Value: $199,162.38
Completed: April 2017
Contract Duration: 8 Weeks
Project Description:
WA Plumbing Solutions were contracted by The City of Stirling to connect the Inglewood United facilities to deep sewer via the installation of a new internal sewer, sewer pump station and HP rising main.
The Scope of the work:
WA Plumbing Solutions were contracted by the City of Stirling to connect the Inglewood United’s administration building, grand stand, ablution blocks and juniors change rooms to deep sewer. WA Plumbing Solutions were required to install 360mtrs of 100mm DWV at depths between 1.2mtrs and 3 mtrs, a 4.5 mtr deep sewer pump station, 320mtrs of HP rising main, including air relief valves, scour valves and maintenance shafts. The contract required us to install the new drainage system thru public amenities, existing car parks, soccer playing fields and public access ways. On completion of the sewer upgrade WAPS were required to remove 4 existing septic tank systems and make good all areas. We were required to supply to the City of Stirling a detailed safety management plan that provided pedestrian traffic management plans, exclusion zones and public access ways thru the construction zone. The contract commenced in January 2017 and was completed in February 2017.
WA Plumbing Solutions tendered on and won the contract, we were required to, provide detailed Gantt charts, Quality control plans, work method statements, OH & S management plans prior to commencing works onsite, all employees and sub contractors were then required to undergo on site inductions held by both the City of Stirling and WA Plumbing Solutions. Ryan Allen was the site supervisor, he liaised with the City of Stirling and the Inglewood United’s management to ensure that the installation of the sewer upgrade was completed prior to the start of the soccer season. Ryan Allen ensured that all tradesman that attended the site had a complete understanding of how their work would impact the operation of the facility to enable minimal disruption. Ryan also over saw the installation of all services as well as the make good of all areas, we contracted in Electricians, asphalts, concreters and Allied Pumps for the commissioning of the pumping station. On completion of the contract WA Plumbing Solutions supplied as constructed documents and manuals and maintains a 12-month defect liability period over the contract.
Project difficulties/ Issues
The new sewer had to be installed at depths of 3 mtrs in the same alignment of the stadiums fire mains, HV power, main water supply and telecommunications, WAPS had to ensure that we maintained and didn’t damage any of the existing assets. We did this using shoring, benching and hand digging. During the installation of the sewer upgrade WA Plumbing Solutions was also required to guarantee the protection to the parks tree’s, we weren’t allowed to damage any roots greater than 25mm. WAPS supplied a methodology to the City of Stirling prior to any excavation taking place.
WA Plumbing Solutions utilised the services of the following Companies
• Merger Contraction (asphalt Repair)
• Minpex Civil (Machinery)
• Pelmac Electrical